ULB File jlb

Class Summary
DualTransform DualTransform base class.
JLB_AdvancedBailout The Iterate code is a direct copy from Ron Barnett's code, which appears in several places.
JLB_BasicUserTransform A basic Transform, z = a1+a2*f(a3*z+a4) Can also be applied to c, of course.
JLB_BurningShipContraction The Burning Ship formula as a Contraction.
JLB_ComboDualTransform ComboDualTransform does two UserTransforms and combines them with one of the operators +, -, *, /, ^.
JLB_CTweakContraction The C tweaks, as in Compounding Tweaked Mandelbrot from lkm.ufm, as a Contraction.
JLB_DoubleDualTransform A wrapper for two DualTransforms
JLB_DualTransformContraction A Contraction that calls a DualTransforms
JLB_GnarlContraction The Gnarl formula from mt.ufm with minor changes, as a Contraction.
JLB_IkenagaContraction The Ikenaga formula as a Contraction.
JLB_LambdaContraction The Lambda formula as a Contraction.
JLB_MandelbrotContraction The Mandelbrot formula as a Contraction.
JLB_MandelbrotDualTransform The Mandelbrot formula as a DualTransform
JLB_MoebiusUserTransform The Moebius Transform, z = (a1*z + a2) / (a3*z + a4).
JLB_NewtonUserTransform The Newton formula as a Transform.
JLB_NewtonUtilityTransform The Newton formula as a Transform.
JLB_NovaContraction The Nova formula as a Contraction.
JLB_NullCContraction A do-nothing C Contraction.
JLB_NullDualTransform A DualTransform placeholder that does nothing.
JLB_NullUserTransform A do-nothing Transform
JLB_NullUtilityTransform A do-nothing Transform
JLB_NullZContraction A do-nothing Z Contraction.
JLB_Random This class provides a robust pseudo-random number generator for UF.
JLB_RangeColoring JLB_Range Coloring.
JLB_SlopeHelper Helper class for JLB_SlopeWithShapes.
JLB_SlopeWithShapes A slope formula that can be used with any object formualas.
JLB_SpiroGlyphicUserTransform Part of the Spiroglyphics formula, as in tma2.ufm, as a Transform.
JLB_SpiroGlyphicUtilityTransform Part of the Spiroglyphics formula, as in tma2.ufm, as a Transform.
JLB_SwitchSuper A wrapper that enables many formulas to be duplicated and new ones made.
JLB_TalisContraction The Talis formulas, part of the "Switch Talis and friends" formula in tma.ulb, as a Contraction.
JLB_TMAContraction Part of the Spiroglyphics formula, as in tma2.ufm, as a Contraction.
JLB_TrapShapeGIPlus An extension of the Gaussian Integer shape in Standard.ulb, and to the G.
JLB_TrapShapeGnarl Gnarl shape
JLB_TrapShapeRRL Same trap shape as Rose Range Light in lkm3.ucl if cos() and sin() are used.
JLB_TrapTransferCollection A shape plug-in which combines all transfer classes (as of 10/13/08) into a single list.
JLB_ZCZDualTransform ZCZDualTransform does three functions.
JLB_ZTweakContraction The Z tweaks, as in Compounding Tweaked Mandelbrot from lkm.ufm, as a Contraction.
JLB_ZZDualTransform ZZDualTransform does two Z contractions p_z1 calls to a function, new z = ZContraction1(z, c) p_z2 calls to a function, new z = ZContraction2(z, c)
Reduction Reduction base class.