Class Summary | |
DMJ_BlurTrapWrapper | This wrapper allows you to use any color trap and any convolution filter to produce blurred or sharpened (or other) trap effects. |
DMJ_Clipping | Basic clipping framework transform. |
DMJ_ClipShapeCircle | Circular clipping shape. |
DMJ_ClipShapePolyCurve | PolyCurve clipping shape abstract base class. |
DMJ_ClipShapeRectangle | Rectangle clipping shape. |
DMJ_Colorize | This applies a variety of color altering effects. |
DMJ_ConvolutionFilter | Base convolution filter class. |
DMJ_Distort | Distortion (especially fBm) transformation. |
DMJ_FastClosestPoint | Fast point finder tool class. |
DMJ_FastMosaic | Mosaic transformation. |
DMJ_FastNormalMerge | This color blend class only does Normal merge mode, but it supports IsOpaque() for speed optimizations. |
DMJ_FollowCurve | Distort to follow an arbitrary curve. |
DMJ_FormulaGenerators | Produce a sequence of complex numbers using two Generator classes. |
DMJ_GaussianBlur | Basic Gaussian blur filter. |
DMJ_GeneratorRandom | This Generator produces a random sequence. |
DMJ_GeneratorRandom2 | This is identical to Random except it has a different default sequence. |
DMJ_GeneratorRandom3 | This is identical to Random except it has a different default sequence. |
DMJ_ImageColorize | This convenience class bundles an ImageWrapper with a Colorize. |
DMJ_Inversion | General Inversion transformation. |
DMJ_Kaleidoscope | Kaleidoscope transformation. |
DMJ_LinearWave | Linear wave transformation. |
DMJ_LogSpiral | Distort to follow a logarithmic spiral. |
DMJ_LowRes | Reduce resolution. |
DMJ_MotionBlur | Basic Unsharp Mask filter. |
DMJ_OrbitTrapsColoring | ...need details... |
DMJ_OrbitTrapsDirect | ...need details... |
DMJ_PolarToRectangular | Convert polar coordinates to rectangular. |
DMJ_PolyCurve | PolyCurve tool class. |
DMJ_PolyCurveSelector | PolyCurve Selector abstract base class. |
DMJ_RectangularToPolar | Convert rectangular coordinates to polar. |
DMJ_ScreenRelative | |
DMJ_SelectorArbitraryCurve | Arbitrary quadratic Bézier curve selector. |
DMJ_SelectorArbitraryPolygon | Arbitrary polygon curve selector. |
DMJ_Simurgh | Simurgh/Phoenix/Double Mandelbrot Family This fractal type encompasses many variants in the Mandelbrot family of fractals. |
DMJ_TransformRepeat | Repeat a transform a certain number of times. |
DMJ_TrapColoringAngleToOrigin | |
DMJ_TrapColoringAngleToTrap | |
DMJ_TrapColoringDistance | This is identical to the version in common.ulb and is here for convenience. |
DMJ_TrapColoringImaginary | |
DMJ_TrapColoringIteration | |
DMJ_TrapColoringMagnitude | |
DMJ_TrapColoringReal | |
DMJ_TrapColoringTexture | |
DMJ_TrapDiameter | This transfer will make a trap shape have a diameter. |
DMJ_TrapModeAlternatingAverage | |
DMJ_TrapModeAlternatingAverage2 | |
DMJ_TrapModeAverage | |
DMJ_TrapModeChangeAverage | |
DMJ_TrapModeClosest | This is identical to the version in common.ulb and is here for convenience. |
DMJ_TrapModeExponentialAverage | |
DMJ_TrapModeFarthest | |
DMJ_TrapModeFirst | This trap mode uses the first trapped point that is within the threshold. |
DMJ_TrapModeInvertedSum | |
DMJ_TrapModeLast | |
DMJ_TrapModeProduct | |
DMJ_TrapModeSecondClosest | |
DMJ_TrapModeSecondFarthest | |
DMJ_TrapModeSignAverage | |
DMJ_TrapModeStacked | |
DMJ_TrapModeSum | |
DMJ_TrapModeTrapOnly | |
DMJ_TrapModeTwoClosest | |
DMJ_TrapModeTwoFarthest | |
DMJ_TrapSelect | TrapSelect base class for choosing which iterations to trap. |
DMJ_TrapShapeAstroid | |
DMJ_TrapShapeCross | |
DMJ_TrapShapeEgg | |
DMJ_TrapShapeFBM | Fractional Brownian Motion (fBm) trap shape class. |
DMJ_TrapShapeFlat | This "flat" trap shape is used to get a flat texture and is not really a trap shape at all. |
DMJ_TrapShapeGridRipples | |
DMJ_TrapShapeHeart1 | |
DMJ_TrapShapeHeart2 | |
DMJ_TrapShapeHyperbola | |
DMJ_TrapShapeHypercross | |
DMJ_TrapShapeLinearWave | |
DMJ_TrapShapeLines | |
DMJ_TrapShapePinch | |
DMJ_TrapShapePoint | Simple point trap shape. |
DMJ_TrapShapePolyCurve | |
DMJ_TrapShapeRadialWave | |
DMJ_TrapShapeRectangle | |
DMJ_TrapShapeSpiral | |
DMJ_TrapTiling | Provides useful tiling effects, primarily intended for use with trap shapes, but will work with anything. |
DMJ_UnsharpMask | Basic Unsharp Mask filter. |
DMJ_VariableConvolutionFilter | Base convolution filter class (position-dependent version). |
dmj5.ulb 1.0
Base Classes for Ultra Fractal 5
by Damien M. Jones
July 5, 2008
This is my public collection. As much as possible, I will try to keep these backwards-compatible, so that all of your parameters will always render correctly in the future.
This does not apply to anything I've marked as "not recommended". Such classes should be considered "beta" code. While I will try to preserve images created with them, I may choose not to if it will hamper further development. If you are using such a class, you might want to let me know so I can warn you if I do that.
Editing note: tabs are set to 4 for my code.