Class InvertDodecahedron

  extended by common:Generic
      extended by reb:InvertSphere
          extended by reb:InvertDodecahedron


sphere inversions starting with a dodecahedral geometery
this is a child of InvertSphere

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 Class InvertDodecahedron(InvertSphere) {
 ; sphere inversions starting with a dodecahedral geometery <br>
 ; this is a child of InvertSphere
   import "common.ulb"
 ;  constructor for sphere inversions with a dodecahedral geometry
   func InvertDodecahedron(Generic pparent)
     p = (1+sqrt(5))/2, ip = 1/p, fscle = (3+sqrt(3)*(p-1))/(p+1), fbaserad = fscle*2*sqrt(3)/3
     scale = 0.4, fii = 13, fjj = 21, fks = 20, fk = fks, rlevel = 181
 ;  Initializes base and generator spheres
   func InitSpheres()
     complex Fc[54]
     float Fz[54]
     float Fr[54]
     Fc[0] = (1,0)*fscle, Fc[1] = (1,0)*fscle, Fc[2] = (-1,0)*fscle, Fc[3] = (-1,0)*fscle
     Fc[4] = flip(p)*fscle, Fc[5] = flip(p)*fscle, Fc[6] = -flip(p)*fscle, Fc[7] = -flip(p)*fscle
     Fc[8] = (p+flip(1))*fscle, Fc[9] = (p-flip(1))*fscle, Fc[10] = (-p+flip(1))*fscle
     Fc[11] = (-p-flip(1))*fscle, Fc[12] = (0,0), Fc[13] = (1,1), Fc[14] = (-1,1)
     Fc[15] = (1,-1), Fc[16] = (1,1), Fc[17] = (-1,-1), Fc[18] = (-1,1), Fc[19] = (1,-1)
     Fc[20] = (-1,-1), Fc[21] = flip(ip), Fc[22] = -flip(ip), Fc[23] = flip(ip)
     Fc[24] = -flip(ip), Fc[25] = ip+flip(p), Fc[26] = -ip+flip(p), Fc[27] = ip-flip(p)
     Fc[28] = -ip-flip(p), Fc[29] = p, Fc[30] = -p, Fc[31] = p, Fc[32] = -p, Fc[33] = (0,0)
     Fc[34] = (1,1), Fc[35] = (-1,1), Fc[36] = (1,-1), Fc[37] = (1,1), Fc[38] = (-1,-1)
     Fc[39] = (-1,1), Fc[40] = (1,-1), Fc[41] = (-1,-1), Fc[42] = flip(ip), Fc[43] = -flip(ip)
     Fc[44] = flip(ip), Fc[45] = -flip(ip), Fc[46] = ip+flip(p), Fc[47] = -ip+flip(p)
     Fc[48] = ip-flip(p), Fc[49] = -ip-flip(p), Fc[50] = p, Fc[51] = -p, Fc[52] = p, Fc[53] = -p
     Fz[0] = p*fscle, Fz[1] = -p*fscle, Fz[2] = p*fscle, Fz[3] = -p*fscle, Fz[4] = fscle
     Fz[5] = -fscle, Fz[6] = fscle, Fz[7] = -fscle, Fz[8] = 0, Fz[9] = 0, Fz[10] = 0
     Fz[11] = 0, Fz[12] = 0, Fz[13] = 1, Fz[14] = 1, Fz[15] = 1, Fz[16] = -1, Fz[17] = 1
     Fz[18] = -1, Fz[19] = -1, Fz[20] = -1, Fz[21] = p, Fz[22] = p, Fz[23] = -p,, Fz[24] = -p
     Fz[25] = 0, Fz[26] = 0, Fz[27] = 0, Fz[28] = 0, Fz[29] = ip, Fz[30] = ip, Fz[31] = -ip
     Fz[32] = -ip, Fz[33] = 0, Fz[34] = 1, Fz[35] = 1, Fz[36] = 1, Fz[37] = -1, Fz[38] = 1
     Fz[39] = -1, Fz[40] = -1, Fz[41] = -1, Fz[42] = p, Fz[43] = p, Fz[44] = -p
     Fz[45] = -p, Fz[46] = 0, Fz[47] = 0, Fz[48] = 0, Fz[49] = 0, Fz[50] = ip, Fz[51] = ip
     Fz[52] = -ip, Fz[53] = -ip
     Fr[0] = fbaserad, Fr[1] = fbaserad, Fr[2] = fbaserad, Fr[3] = fbaserad, Fr[4] = fbaserad
     Fr[5] = fbaserad, Fr[6] = fbaserad, Fr[7] = fbaserad, Fr[8] = fbaserad, Fr[9] = fbaserad
     Fr[10] = fbaserad, Fr[11] = fbaserad, Fr[12] = p, Fr[13] = p-1, Fr[14] = p-1
     Fr[15] = p-1, Fr[16] = p-1, Fr[17] = p-1, Fr[18] = p-1, Fr[19] = p-1, Fr[20] = p-1
     Fr[21] = p-1, Fr[22] = p-1, Fr[23] = p-1, Fr[24] = p-1, Fr[25] = p-1, Fr[26] = p-1
     Fr[27] = p-1, Fr[28] = p-1, Fr[29] = p-1, Fr[30] = p-1, Fr[31] = p-1, Fr[32] = p-1
     Fr[33] = sqrt(3)+p-1, Fr[34] = p-1, Fr[35] = p-1, Fr[36] = p-1, Fr[37] = p-1
     Fr[38] = p-1, Fr[39] = p-1, Fr[40] = p-1, Fr[41] = p-1, Fr[42] = p-1, Fr[43] = p-1
     Fr[44] = p-1, Fr[45] = p-1, Fr[46] = p-1, Fr[47] = p-1, Fr[48] = p-1, Fr[49] = p-1
     Fr[50] = p-1, Fr[51] = p-1, Fr[52] = p-1, Fr[53] = p-1
     int i = 0
     ; scale and translate the spheres to screen dimensions
       if reflect
         Fc[i] = -conj(Fc[i])
         Fc[i] = Fc[i]
       ; Z axis rotation
       Fc[i] = Fc[i]*zrot
       ; Y axis rotation
       temp = real(Fc[i]) + flip(Fz[i])
       temp = temp*yrot
       Fc[i] = real(temp) + flip(imag(Fc[i]))
       Fz[i] = imag(temp)
       ; X axis rotation
       temp = imag(Fc[i]) + flip(Fz[i])
       temp = temp*xrot
       Fc[i] = real(Fc[i]) + flip(real(temp))
       Fz[i] = imag(temp)
       ; scaling
       Fc[i] = Fc[i]*#magn*scale
       Fz[i] = Fz[i]*#magn*scale
       if i > 12
         Fr[i] = Fr[i]*#magn*scale*@bradadj
         Fr[i] = Fr[i]*#magn*scale*@radadj
       i = i+1
     until i == 54
 ; declare the generator spheres
     ; dodecahedron
     fg[0] = new Sphere(Fc[0],Fz[0],Fr[0],0,0), fg[1] = new Sphere(Fc[1],Fz[1],Fr[1],0,1)
     fg[2] = new Sphere(Fc[2],Fz[2],Fr[2],0,2), fg[3] = new Sphere(Fc[3],Fz[3],Fr[3],0,3)
     fg[4] = new Sphere(Fc[4],Fz[4],Fr[4],0,4), fg[5] = new Sphere(Fc[5],Fz[5],Fr[5],0,5)
     fg[6] = new Sphere(Fc[6],Fz[6],Fr[6],0,6), fg[7] = new Sphere(Fc[7],Fz[7],Fr[7],0,7)
     fg[8] = new Sphere(Fc[8],Fz[8],Fr[8],0,8), fg[9] = new Sphere(Fc[9],Fz[9],Fr[9],0,9)
     fg[10] = new Sphere(Fc[10],Fz[10],Fr[10],0,10), fg[11] = new Sphere(Fc[11],Fz[11],Fr[11],0,11)
     fg[12] = new Sphere(Fc[12],Fz[12],Fr[12],0,12)
 ; declare the base Spheres
     ; dodecahedron
     fb[0] = new Sphere(Fc[13],Fz[13],Fr[13],0,0), fb[1] = new Sphere(Fc[14],Fz[14],Fr[14],0,1)
     fb[2] = new Sphere(Fc[15],Fz[15],Fr[15],0,2), fb[3] = new Sphere(Fc[16],Fz[16],Fr[16],0,3)
     fb[4] = new Sphere(Fc[17],Fz[17],Fr[17],0,4), fb[5] = new Sphere(Fc[18],Fz[18],Fr[18],0,5)
     fb[6] = new Sphere(Fc[19],Fz[19],Fr[19],0,6), fb[7] = new Sphere(Fc[20],Fz[20],Fr[20],0,7)
     fb[8] = new Sphere(Fc[21],Fz[21],Fr[21],0,8), fb[9] = new Sphere(Fc[22],Fz[22],Fr[22],0,9)
     fb[10] = new Sphere(Fc[23],Fz[23],Fr[23],0,10), fb[11] = new Sphere(Fc[24],Fz[24],Fr[24],0,11)
     fb[12] = new Sphere(Fc[25],Fz[25],Fr[25],0,12), fb[13] = new Sphere(Fc[26],Fz[26],Fr[26],0,13)
     fb[14] = new Sphere(Fc[27],Fz[27],Fr[27],0,14), fb[15] = new Sphere(Fc[28],Fz[28],Fr[28],0,15)
     fb[16] = new Sphere(Fc[29],Fz[29],Fr[29],0,16), fb[17] = new Sphere(Fc[30],Fz[30],Fr[30],0,17)
     fb[18] = new Sphere(Fc[31],Fz[31],Fr[31],0,18), fb[19] = new Sphere(Fc[32],Fz[32],Fr[32],0,19)
     fb[20] = new Sphere(Fc[33],Fz[33],Fr[33],0,20)
     bradius = fb[0].frad
     s.sph[0] = new Sphere(Fc[34],Fz[34],Fr[34],0,0), s.sph[1] = new Sphere(Fc[35],Fz[35],Fr[35],0,1)
     s.sph[2] = new Sphere(Fc[36],Fz[36],Fr[36],0,2), s.sph[3] = new Sphere(Fc[37],Fz[37],Fr[37],0,3)
     s.sph[4] = new Sphere(Fc[38],Fz[38],Fr[38],0,4), s.sph[5] = new Sphere(Fc[39],Fz[39],Fr[39],0,5)
     s.sph[6] = new Sphere(Fc[40],Fz[40],Fr[40],0,6), s.sph[7] = new Sphere(Fc[41],Fz[41],Fr[41],0,7)
     s.sph[8] = new Sphere(Fc[42],Fz[42],Fr[42],0,8), s.sph[9] = new Sphere(Fc[43],Fz[43],Fr[43],0,9)
     s.sph[10] = new Sphere(Fc[44],Fz[44],Fr[44],0,10), s.sph[11] = new Sphere(Fc[45],Fz[45],Fr[45],0,11)
     s.sph[12] = new Sphere(Fc[46],Fz[46],Fr[46],0,12), s.sph[13] = new Sphere(Fc[47],Fz[47],Fr[47],0,13)
     s.sph[14] = new Sphere(Fc[48],Fz[48],Fr[48],0,14), s.sph[15] = new Sphere(Fc[49],Fz[49],Fr[49],0,15)
     s.sph[16] = new Sphere(Fc[50],Fz[50],Fr[50],0,16), s.sph[17] = new Sphere(Fc[51],Fz[51],Fr[51],0,17)
     s.sph[18] = new Sphere(Fc[52],Fz[52],Fr[52],0,18), s.sph[19] = new Sphere(Fc[53],Fz[53],Fr[53],0,19)
   float p
   float ip
   title = "Dodecahedron"
   int param v_dodecahedron
     caption = "Version (Dodecahedron)"
     default = 100
     hint = "This version parameter is used to detect when a change has been made to the formula that is incompatible with the previous version. When that happens, this field will reflect the old version number to alert you to the fact that an alternate rendering is being used."
     visible = @v_dodecahedron < 100

Constructor Summary
InvertDodecahedron(Generic pparent)
          constructor for sphere inversions with a dodecahedral geometry
Method Summary
 void InitSpheres()
          Initializes base and generator spheres
Methods inherited from class reb:InvertSphere
findbound, heapify, heapifyz, heapsort, heapsortz, Inverse, Recurse, recurse2, siftdown, siftdownz, swap, vanquish
Methods inherited from class common:Generic
Methods inherited from class Object

Constructor Detail


public InvertDodecahedron(Generic pparent)
constructor for sphere inversions with a dodecahedral geometry


public InvertDodecahedron()
Method Detail


public void InitSpheres()
Initializes base and generator spheres

InitSpheres in class InvertSphere