Derived from the public C code of Curtis McMullen and
material from Indra's Pearls by Mumford, Series and Wright
A new method for InitSpheres is needed, as both spheres
and Kleinian Group matricies must be initalized.
class InvertMobius(InvertSphere) { ; <p> ; Derived from the public C code of Curtis McMullen and ; material from Indra's Pearls by Mumford, Series and Wright ; A new method for InitSpheres is needed, as both spheres ; and Kleinian Group matricies must be initalized. ; public: import "common.ulb" ; constructor for Mobius (Kleinian) sphere inversions func InvertMobius(Generic pparent) invertSphere.Invertsphere(0) PARAFUZZ = 1e-3, LINEFUZZ = 1e-5, im = (0,1),gi = 0 fii = 4, fks = 1, fk = fks, scale = 0.7, sscale = 1, iend = 4 ss = new SphereArray(50000000) InitSpheresK() endfunc ; Initialize spheres, inversion matricies and trace values func InitSpheresK() ; This function initializes the base sphere(s), the Kleinian group ; inversion matrices and the trace values complex Fc[4] float Fz[4] float Fr[4] int i = 0 complex ta = @ta complex tb = @tb float cir = @cir complex cira = @cira Complex cirs = @cirs float rada = @rada float rads = @rads float radam = @radam complex m = @m complex tab = 0 complex gz0 = 0 complex gz = 0 complex gQ = 0 complex gR = 0 complex tabAB = @tabAB Fz[0] = 0 Fz[1] = 0 Fz[2] = 0 Fz[3] = 0 if @cusptype == "Nearby group" ta = (1.91,-0.05) tb = (2,0) cir = 0.297 elseif @cusptype == "Accident" ta = (1.9021130325903071442328786667588,0) tb = (1.9021130325903071442328786667588,0) elseif @cusptype == "Troel's Point" ta = (1.6168866453,-0.7056734968) tb = (2,0) cir = 0.13091 elseif @cusptype == "Degenerate Spiral" ta = (1.9264340533,-0.0273817919) tb = (2,0) cir = 0.2419 elseif @cusptype == "Double Cusp" tb = (2,0) if @cusp == "0/1" ta = (2,0) cir = 0.5 elseif @cusp == "1/100" ta = (1.99599050389291,-0.000302826761310194) cir = 0.3091 elseif @cusp == "2/99" ta = (1.99599050389291,-0.000302826761310194) cir = 0.2676 elseif @cusp == "3/100" ta = (1.99118310579765,-0.000982081178197968) cir = 0.2427 elseif @cusp == "4/99" ta = (1.98427416931522,-0.00237401043014847) cir = 0.2351 elseif @cusp == "1/15" ta = (1.95859103011179,-0.0112785606117653) cir = 0.32870768 elseif @cusp == "1/10" ta = (1.91342329586682,-0.0362880775225429) cir = 0.32365169 elseif @cusp == "2/19" ta = (1.90377999779718,-0.0395799512688805) cir = 0.2604321 elseif @cusp == "1/9" ta = (1.89640725094921,-0.0487530128986506) cir = 0.32176507 elseif @cusp == "7/43" ta = (1.80785523999043,-0.136998687907137) cir = 0.229796 elseif @cusp == "3/10" ta = (1.65831239517773,-0.5) cir = 0.2316625 elseif @cusp == "2/5" ta = (1.64213876865348,-0.766588417465459) cir = 0.2665884 elseif @cusp == "1/2" ta = (1.73205080756888,-1) cir = 0.36602539 elseif @cusp == "21/34" ta = (1.6179907967521,-1.29170028664218) cir = 0.166461 endif endif ; Grandma's Special algorithm if !(@cusptype == "Grandma's Special #2" || @cusptype == "Maskit") if @showcusp == "Both" Fc[0] = 1-cir Fr[0] = cir Fc[1] = -(1-cir) Fr[1] = cir Fc[2] = (0,0) Fr[2] = 1 s.sph[0] = new Sphere(Fc[0],Fz[0],Fr[0],0,0) s.sph[1] = new Sphere(Fc[1],Fz[1],Fr[1],0,0) s.sph[2] = new Sphere(Fc[2],Fz[2],Fr[2],0,0) ss.sph[0] = s.sph[0] ss.sph[1] = s.sph[1] ss.sph[2] = s.sph[2] elseif @showcusp == "Alternate" Fc[0] = (1-cir) Fr[0] = cir Fc[1] = -(1-cir) Fr[1] = cir s.sph[0] = new Sphere(Fc[0],Fz[0],Fr[0],0,0) s.sph[1] = new Sphere(Fc[1],Fz[1],Fr[1],0,0) ss.sph[0] = s.sph[0] ss.sph[1] = s.sph[1] elseif @showcusp == "Standard" Fc[0] = (0,0) Fr[0] = 1 s.sph[0] = new Sphere(Fc[0],Fz[0],Fr[0],0,0) ss.sph[0] = s.sph[0] endif complex tab = (ta*tb+sqrt(ta*ta*tb*tb-4*(ta*ta+tb*tb)))/2 if @alttab tab = (ta*tb-sqrt(ta*ta*tb*tb-4*(ta*ta+tb*tb)))/2 endif complex gz0 = (tab-2)*tb/(tb*tab-2*ta+2*(0,1)*tab) mob[0] = new Mobius((tb-(0,2))/2, tb/2, tb/2, conj((tb-(0,2))/2)) mob[1] = new Mobius(mob[0].m_d, -mob[0].m_b, -mob[0].m_c, mob[0].m_a) mob[2] = new Mobius(ta/2, (ta*tab-2*tb-(0,4))*gz0/(2*tab-4), \ (ta*tab-2*tb+(0,4))/((2*tab+4)*gz0), ta/2) if @trans temp1 = mob[2].m_b mob[2].m_b = mob[2].m_c mob[2].m_c = temp1 endif mob[3] = new Mobius(mob[2].m_d, -mob[2].m_b, -mob[2].m_c, mob[2].m_a) endif ; Figure 11.1 from the Indra's Pearls book if @cusptype == "Indra 11.1" tabAB = (0,0) tb = (2,0) sscale = 2.4 ta = (1.924781, 0.047529) cirs = (0, 0.272591599) rads = 0.41421381 cira = (0.168208, 0) rada = 0.2211131 endif ; Grandma's Special #2 algorithm if !(@cusptype == "Grandma's Special" || @cusptype == "Maskit" ||\ @cusptype == "Double Cusp" || @cusptype == "Nearby Group" ||\ @cusptype == "Troel's Point"|| @cusptype == "Degenerate Spiral") if @showcusp == "Both" Fc[0] = cirs Fr[0] = rads-cabs(cirs) if @lines Fr[0] = -Fr[0] endif Fc[1] = -cirs Fr[1] = Fr[0] Fc[2] = cira Fr[2] = rada-cabs(cira) if @linea Fr[2] = -Fr[2] endif Fc[3] = -cira Fr[3] = Fr[2] s.sph[0] = new Sphere(Fc[0],Fz[0],Fr[0],0,0) s.sph[1] = new Sphere(Fc[1],Fz[1],Fr[1],0,0) s.sph[2] = new Sphere(Fc[2],Fz[2],Fr[2],0,0) s.sph[3] = new Sphere(Fc[3],Fz[3],Fr[3],0,0) ss.sph[0] = s.sph[0] ss.sph[1] = s.sph[1] ss.sph[2] = s.sph[2] ss.sph[3] = s.sph[3] elseif @showcusp == "Alternate" Fc[0] = cira Fr[0] = rada-cabs(cira) if @linea Fr[0] = -Fr[0] endif Fc[1] = -cira Fr[1] = Fr[0] s.sph[0] = new Sphere(Fc[0],Fz[0],Fr[0],0,0) s.sph[1] = new Sphere(Fc[1],Fz[1],Fr[1],0,0) ss.sph[0] = s.sph[0] ss.sph[1] = s.sph[1] else Fc[0] = cirs Fr[0] = rads-cabs(cirs) if @lines Fr[0] = -Fr[0] endif Fc[1] = -cirs Fr[1] = Fr[0] s.sph[0] = new Sphere(Fc[0],Fz[0],Fr[0],0,0) s.sph[1] = new Sphere(Fc[1],Fz[1],Fr[1],0,0) ss.sph[0] = s.sph[0] ss.sph[1] = s.sph[1] endif gz = 0.5*sqrt(ta^2*tb^2-4*ta^2-4*tb^2+4*tabAB+8) tab = 0.5*ta*tb-gz if @alttab tab = 0.5*ta*tb+gz endif gQ = sqrt(2-tabAB) gR = sqrt(2+tabAB) if cabs(tabAB+im*gQ*gR)<2 gR = -gR endif gz0 = (tab-2)*(tb+gR)/(tb*tab-2*ta+im*gQ*tab) mob[0] = new Mobius((tb-im*gQ)/2, (tb*tab-2*ta-im*gQ*tab)/((2*tab+4)*gz0),\ (tb*tab-2*ta+im*gQ*tab)*gz0/(2*tab-4), (tb+im*gQ)/2) mob[1] = new Mobius(mob[0].m_d, -mob[0].m_b, -mob[0].m_c, mob[0].m_a) mob[2] = new Mobius(ta/2, (ta*tab-2*tb+2*im*gQ)/((2*tab+4)*gz0), \ (ta*tab-2*tb-2*im*gQ)*gz0/(2*tab-4), ta/2) if @trans temp1 = mob[2].m_b mob[2].m_b = mob[2].m_c mob[2].m_c = temp1 endif mob[3] = new Mobius(mob[2].m_d, -mob[2].m_b, -mob[2].m_c, mob[2].m_a) endif if @cusptype == "Maskit" if @showcuspm == "Predefined" if @cuspm == "0/1" m = (0,2) radam = 0.5 elseif @cuspm == "1/15" m = (-0.0112785606117653, 1.95859103011179) radam = 0.489661311 elseif @cuspm == "1/10" m = (-0.0362880775225429,1.91342329586682) radam = 0.47852888 elseif @cuspm == "2/19" m = (-0.0395799512688805,1.90377999779718) radam = 0.35214005 elseif @cuspm == "1/9" m = (-0.0487530128986506,1.89640725094921) radam = 0.4744165 elseif @cuspm == "7/43" m = (-0.136998687907137,1.80785523999043) radam = 0.2983515 elseif @cuspm == "3/10" m = (-0.5,1.65831239517773) radam = 0.3015111 elseif @cuspm == "2/5" m = (-0.766588417465459,1.64213876865348) radam = 0.363491 elseif @cuspm == "1/2" m = (-1,1.73205080756888) radam = 0.57735015 elseif @cuspm == "21/34" m = (1.29170028664218,1.6179907967521) radam = 0.1997052 endif endif if @showcuspm == "Both" || (@showcuspm == "Predefined" \ && @showcuspm2 == "Both") Fc[0] = 1 + flip(radam) Fr[0] = radam Fc[1] = (1,0) Fr[1] = 0 s.sph[0] = new Sphere(Fc[0],Fz[0],Fr[0],0,0) s.sph[1] = new Sphere(Fc[1],Fz[1],Fr[1],0,0) ss.sph[0] = s.sph[0] ss.sph[1] = s.sph[1] elseif @showcuspm == "Alternate" || (@showcuspm == "Predefined" \ && @showcuspm2 == "Alternate") Fc[0] = 1 + flip(radam) Fr[0] = radam s.sph[0] = new Sphere(Fc[0],Fz[0],Fr[0],0,0) ss.sph[0] = s.sph[0] else Fc[0] = (1,0) Fr[0] = 0 s.sph[0] = new Sphere(Fc[0],Fz[0],Fr[0],0,0) ss.sph[0] = s.sph[0] endif mob[0] = new Mobius(m, 1, 1, 0) mob[1] = new Mobius(mob[0].m_d, -mob[0].m_b, -mob[0].m_c, mob[0].m_a) mob[2] = new Mobius(1, 0, 2, 1) mob[3] = new Mobius(mob[2].m_d, -mob[2].m_b, -mob[2].m_c, mob[2].m_a) endif ; normalize the matrices i = 0 while i < 4 mob[i].Normalize(mob[i]) i = i + 1 endwhile endfunc ; Inverts a sphere - Mobius inversion The return value may be a sphere or a plane. <br> ; @param target = sphere to be inverted ; @param inverter = not used. ; @param level = recursion level ; @param gen = index of generator matrix ;------------------------------------------------ Sphere func Inverse(Sphere target, Sphere inverter, int level, int gen) mob[5] = new Mobius(0,0,0,0) mob[5].CircToMob(mob[5],target) mob[gen].MConj(mob[5],mob[5]) Sphere ns = new Sphere(0,0,0,0,0) mob[5].MobToCirc(level,gen,ns) return ns endfunc ; Top level recursion function func Recurse() int l = 0 int ir = 0 int si = 0 int sj = 0 int j = 0 bool done = false int c = 0 float ddx = 0 float ddy = 0 float ddr = 0 sphere rra bool continue = false int ifinal = 0 int istack = 0 int nold = 0 int nfinal = 1 int iii = 0 int k = 0 int lev = 0 if @showcusp == "Both" j = 3 iii = 2 elseif @showcusp == "Standard" j = 1 iii = 0 else j = 2 iii = 1 endif if @cusptype == "Grandma's Special #2" if @showcusp == "Both" j = 4 iii = 3 else j = 2 iii = 1 endif endif if @cusptype == "Maskit" if @showcuspm == "Both" || (@showcuspm == "Predefined" && \ @showcuspm2 == "Both") j = 2 iii = 1 else j = 1 iii = 0 endif endif iii = iii + 1 lev = 1 while lev <= mlevel && j < flength gi = 0 while gi < iend && j < flength k = 0 while k <= iii && j < flength ss.sph[j] = Inverse(ss.sph[k],ss.sph[0],lev,gi) if ss.sph[j].frad >= 0 && abs(ss.sph[j].frad) < fminsphere j = j - 1 endif if j > flength lev = mlevel + 1 k = iii + 1 endif j = j+1 k = k + 1 endwhile if j > flength gi = 5 endif gi = gi + 1 endwhile ; sort array by circle identity l = round(j/2)+1 ir = j continue = true repeat if l > 1 l = l-1 rra = ss.sph[l-1] else rra = ss.sph[ir-1] ss.sph[ir-1] = ss.sph[0] ir = ir-1 if ir == 0 ss.sph[0] = rra continue = false endif endif if continue == true si = l sj = 2*l endif while (sj <= ir) && (continue == true) if sj < ir ddx = real(ss.sph[sj-1].fcen)-real(ss.sph[sj].fcen) ddy = imag(ss.sph[sj-1].fcen)-imag(ss.sph[sj].fcen) ddr = ss.sph[sj-1].frad-ss.sph[sj].frad c = 0 done = false ; Lines precede circles if ss.sph[sj-1].frad <= 0 && ss.sph[sj].frad > 0 c = -1 done = true elseif ss.sph[sj].frad <= 0 && ss.sph[sj-1].frad > 0 c = 1 done = true elseif ddx < -thresh c = -1 done = true elseif ddx > thresh && !done c = 1 done = true elseif ddy < -thresh && !done c = -1 done = true elseif ddy > thresh && !done c = 1 done = true elseif ss.sph[sj-1].frad <= 0 && !done ; Lines if ddr < -PARAFUZZ && !done c = -1 done = true elseif ddr > PARAFUZZ && !done c = 1 done = true endif elseif !done ; Circles if ddr < -thresh && !done c = -1 done = true elseif ddr > thresh && !done c = 1 done = true endif endif if c < 0 sj = sj + 1 endif endif ddx = real(rra.fcen)-real(ss.sph[sj-1].fcen) ddy = imag(rra.fcen)-imag(ss.sph[sj-1].fcen) ddr = rra.frad-ss.sph[sj-1].frad c = 0 done = false ; ; Lines precede circles if rra.frad <= 0 && ss.sph[sj-1].frad > 0 c = -1 done = true elseif ss.sph[sj-1].frad <= 0 && rra.frad > 0 c = 1 done = true elseif ddx < -thresh c = -1 done = true elseif ddx > thresh && !done c = 1 done = true elseif ddy < -thresh && !done c = -1 done = true elseif ddy > thresh && !done c = 1 done = true elseif rra.frad <= 0 && !done ; Lines if ddr < -PARAFUZZ && !done c = -1 done = true elseif ddr > PARAFUZZ && !done c = 1 done = true endif elseif !done ; Circles if ddr < -thresh && !done c = -1 done = true elseif ddr > thresh && !done c = 1 done = true endif endif if c < 0 ss.sph[si-1] = ss.sph[sj-1] si = sj sj = sj + sj else sj = ir + 1 endif endwhile if (continue == true) ss.sph[si-1] = rra endif until continue == false ; eliminate duplicates in place ; ir = oldj-iii+1 ; l = oldj-iii ir = j+1 l = j while ir < j ddx = real(ss.sph[ir].fcen)-real(ss.sph[ir-1].fcen) ddy = imag(ss.sph[ir].fcen)-imag(ss.sph[ir-1].fcen) ddr = ss.sph[ir].frad-ss.sph[ir-1].frad c = 0 done = false ; Lines precede circles if ss.sph[ir].frad <= 0 && ss.sph[ir-1].frad > 0 c = -1 done = true elseif ss.sph[ir-1].frad <= 0 && ss.sph[ir].frad > 0 c = 1 done = true elseif ddx < -thresh && !done c = -1 done = true elseif ddx > thresh && !done c = 1 done = true elseif ddy < -thresh && !done c = -1 done = true elseif ddy > thresh && !done c = 1 done = true elseif ss.sph[ir].frad <= 0 && !done ; Lines if ddr < -PARAFUZZ && !done c = -1 done = true elseif ddr > PARAFUZZ && !done c = 1 done = true endif elseif !done ; Circles if ddr < -thresh && !done c = -1 done = true elseif ddr > thresh && !done c = 1 done = true endif endif if c == 0 ir = ir + 1 else ss.sph[l] = ss.sph[ir] ir = ir +1 l = l + 1 endif endwhile j = j-(ir-l)+1 ; move to final array, skipping dups ifinal = 0 istack = 0 nold = nfinal while ifinal < nold && istack < j && nfinal < flength ddx = real(s.sph[ifinal].fcen)-real(ss.sph[istack].fcen) ddy = imag(s.sph[ifinal].fcen)-imag(ss.sph[istack].fcen) ddr = s.sph[ifinal].frad-ss.sph[istack].frad c = 0 done = false ; Lines precede circles if s.sph[ifinal].frad <= 0 && ss.sph[istack].frad > 0 c = -1 done = true elseif ss.sph[istack].frad <= 0 && s.sph[ifinal].frad > 0 c = 1 done = true elseif ddx < -thresh c = -1 done = true elseif ddx > thresh && !done c = 1 done = true elseif ddy < -thresh && !done c = -1 done = true elseif ddy > thresh && !done c = 1 done = true elseif s.sph[ifinal].frad <= 0 && !done ; Lines if ddr < -PARAFUZZ && !done c = -1 done = true elseif ddr > PARAFUZZ && !done c = 1 done = true endif elseif !done ; Circles if ddr < -thresh && !done c = -1 done = true elseif ddr > thresh && !done c = 1 done = true endif endif if c < 0 ifinal = ifinal + 1 endif if c == 0 istack = istack + 1 endif if c > 0 s.sph[nfinal] = ss.sph[istack] nfinal = nfinal + 1 istack = istack + 1 endif endwhile while istack < j && nfinal < flength s.sph[nfinal] = ss.sph[istack] nfinal = nfinal + 1 istack = istack + 1 endwhile ir = nold while ir <nfinal ss.sph[ir-nold] = s.sph[ir] ir = ir+1 endwhile j = nfinal-nold ; sort final array by circle identity l = round((nfinal)/2)+1 ir = nfinal continue = true repeat if l > 1 l = l-1 rra = s.sph[l-1] else rra = s.sph[ir-1] s.sph[ir-1] = s.sph[0] ir = ir-1 if ir == 0 s.sph[0] = rra continue = false endif endif if continue == true si = l sj = 2*l endif while (sj <= ir) && (continue == true) if sj < ir ddx = real(s.sph[sj-1].fcen)-real(s.sph[sj].fcen) ddy = imag(s.sph[sj-1].fcen)-imag(s.sph[sj].fcen) ddr = s.sph[sj-1].frad-s.sph[sj].frad c = 0 done = false ; Lines precede circles if s.sph[sj-1].frad <= 0 && s.sph[sj].frad > 0 c = -1 done = true elseif s.sph[sj].frad <= 0 && s.sph[sj-1].frad > 0 c = 1 done = true elseif ddx < -thresh c = -1 done = true elseif ddx > thresh && !done c = 1 done = true elseif ddy < -thresh && !done c = -1 done = true elseif ddy > thresh && !done c = 1 done = true elseif s.sph[sj-1].frad <= 0 && !done ; Lines if ddr < -PARAFUZZ && !done c = -1 done = true elseif ddr > PARAFUZZ && !done c = 1 done = true endif elseif !done ; Circles if ddr < -thresh && !done c = -1 done = true elseif ddr > thresh && !done c = 1 done = true endif endif if c < 0 sj = sj + 1 endif endif ddx = real(rra.fcen)-real(s.sph[sj-1].fcen) ddy = imag(rra.fcen)-imag(s.sph[sj-1].fcen) ddr = rra.frad-s.sph[sj-1].frad c = 0 done = false ; Lines precede circles if rra.frad <= 0 && s.sph[sj-1].frad > 0 c = -1 done = true elseif s.sph[sj-1].frad <= 0 && rra.frad > 0 c = 1 done = true elseif ddx < -thresh c = -1 done = true elseif ddx > thresh && !done c = 1 done = true elseif ddy < -thresh && !done c = -1 done = true elseif ddy > thresh && !done c = 1 done = true elseif rra.frad <= 0 && !done ; Lines if ddr < -PARAFUZZ && !done c = -1 done = true elseif ddr > PARAFUZZ && !done c = 1 done = true endif elseif !done ; Circles if ddr < -thresh && !done c = -1 done = true elseif ddr > thresh && !done c = 1 done = true endif endif if c < 0 s.sph[si-1] = s.sph[sj-1] si = sj sj = sj + sj else sj = ir + 1 endif endwhile if (continue == true) s.sph[si-1] = rra endif until continue == false iii = j-1 if j == 0 lev = mlevel+1 else lev = lev+1 endif endwhile fk = nfinal-1 ss = 0 heapsort(s,fk) vanquish(s,fk) SizeAndRot() if @zsort heapsortz(s, fk) endif endfunc ; Size and rotate spheres func SizeAndRot() if @cusptype == "Nearby group" && @trans sscale = 0.05 elseif @cusptype == "Double Cusp" && @trans if @cusp == "1/15" sscale = 0.015 elseif @cusp == "0/1" sscale = 0.5 elseif @cusp == "2/19" sscale = 0.025 elseif @cusp == "1/9" sscale = 0.04 elseif @cusp == "7/43" sscale = 0.035 elseif @cusp == "2/5" sscale = 0.2 endif endif int i = 0 while i < fk if s.sph[i].frad > 0 ; size routines if s.sph[i].frad > @maxsphere s.sph[i].frad = 0 endif if @cusptype == "Maskit" s.sph[i].fcen = (s.sph[i].fcen+(0,-1))*#magn*scale*sscale else s.sph[i].fcen = s.sph[i].fcen*#magn*scale*sscale endif s.sph[i].fz = s.sph[i].fz*#magn*scale*sscale s.sph[i].frad = s.sph[i].frad*#magn*scale*sscale ; rotation around the z axis ; float fx = real(s.sph[i].fcen) float fy = imag(s.sph[i].fcen) float fz = s.sph[i].fz float xx = real(s.sph[i].fcen) fx = fx*cos(#angle) - fy*sin(#angle) fy = fy*cos(#angle) + xx*sin(#angle) s.sph[i].fcen = fx + flip(fy) ; rotation around the y axis ; xx = fx fx = fz*sin(@yang*#pi/180) + fx*cos(@yang*#pi/180) fz = fz*cos(@yang*#pi/180) - xx*sin(@yang*#pi/180) s.sph[i].fcen = fx + flip(fy) s.sph[i].fz = fz ; rotation around the x axis ; float yy = fy fy = fy*cos(@xang*#pi/180) - fz*sin(@xang*#pi/180) fz = yy*sin(@xang*#pi/180) + fz*cos(@xang*#pi/180) s.sph[i].fcen = fx + flip(fy) s.sph[i].fz = fz endif i = i + 1 endwhile endfunc float PARAFUZZ float LINEFUZZ complex im Mobius mob[6] int gi int iend float sscale spherearray ss default: title = "Mobius Inversions" int param v_mobinvert caption = "Version (Mobius Inversions)" default = 101 hint = "This version parameter is used to detect when a change has been made to the formula that is incompatible with the previous version. When that happens, this field will reflect the old version number to alert you to the fact that an alternate rendering is being used." visible = @v_mobinvert < 101 endparam float param minsphere caption = "Min sphere size" default = 0.001 min = 0.000001 endparam float param maxsphere caption = "Max sphere size" default = 0.7 endparam int param maxLevel caption = "Recursion level" default = 100 min = 0 max = 200 endparam float param radadj caption = "Gen Rad adj" default = 1.0 visible = false endparam float param bradadj caption = "Base Rad adj" default = 1.0 visible = false endparam bool param reflect caption = "Reflect Object" default = false endparam float param xang caption = "X Axis Rotation" default = 0.0 endparam float param yang caption = "Y Axis Rotation" default = 0.0 endparam heading text = "For rotation around the Z Axis use the rotation angle on the Location Tab." endheading heading text = "Use these methods with care, as only certain combinations of \ parameters will give satisfactory results. Use of the help file \ is essential. Use of the 'Explore' feature is not recommended." visible = @cusptype == "Grandma's Special" || @cusptype == "Grandma's Special #2" \ || @cusptype == "Maskit" endheading heading text = "The Grandma algorithms come from 'Indra's Pearls' by Mumford, \ Series and Wright. Consult the book for use of the trace parameters." visible = @cusptype == "Grandma's Special" || @cusptype == "Grandma's Special #2" endheading heading text = "The Maskit algorithm comes from 'Indra's Pearls' by Mumford, \ Series and Wright. Consult the book for use of the Maskit parameters." visible = @cusptype == "Maskit" endheading param cusptype caption = "Group" default = 7 enum = "Accident" "Indra 11.1" "Degenerate Spiral" "Double Cusp" \ "Grandma's Special" "Grandma's Special #2" "Maskit" "Nearby Group" \ "Troel's Point" endparam param cusp caption = "Cusp" default = 5 enum = "0/1" "1/100" "2/99" "3/100" "4/99" "1/15" "1/10" "2/19" "1/9" \ "7/43" "3/10" "2/5" "1/2" "21/34" visible = @cusptype == "Double Cusp" endparam param showcusp caption = "Cusp view" default = 1 enum = "Both" "Standard" "Alternate" visible = !(@cusptype == "Maskit" || @cusptype == "Accident") endparam param showcuspm caption = "Cusp view" default = 1 enum = "Both" "Standard" "Alternate" "Predefined" visible = @cusptype == "Maskit" endparam param showcuspm2 caption = "Cusp view" default = 1 enum = "Both" "Standard" "Alternate" visible = @cusptype == "Maskit" && @showcuspm == "Predefined" endparam heading text = "Slowly increase 'gen circle' until good circle packing is observed." visible = @cusptype == "Grandma's special"&& @showcusp != "Standard" endheading param @cir caption ="Gen circle" default = 0.01 hint = "Slowly increase until good circle packing is observed." visible = @cusptype == "Grandma's special"&& @showcusp != "Standard" endparam heading text = "These parameters set the size and position of the 'Standard' \ generator circles." visible = @cusptype == "Grandma's special #2"&& @showcusp != "Alternate" endheading param @cirs caption ="Gen circle std" default = (0,0) visible = (@cusptype == "Grandma's special #2"&& @showcusp != "Alternate") endparam param @rads caption ="Rad ref std" default = 1.0 visible = (@cusptype == "Grandma's special #2"&& @showcusp != "Alternate") endparam bool param @lines caption ="Generate as line" default = false visible = (@cusptype == "Grandma's special #2"&& @showcusp != "Alternate") endparam heading text = "These parameters set the size and position of the 'Alternate' \ generator circles." visible = @cusptype == "Grandma's special #2"&& @showcusp != "Standard" endheading param @cira caption ="Gen circle alt" default = (0,0) visible = (@cusptype == "Grandma's special #2"&& @showcusp != "Standard") endparam param @rada caption ="Rad ref alt" default = 1.0 visible = (@cusptype == "Grandma's special #2"&& @showcusp != "Standard") endparam heading text = "This parameter set the size and position of the 'Alternate' \ generator circle." visible = @cusptype == "Maskit"&& @showcusp != "Standard" endheading param @radam caption ="Rad ref" default = 0.5 visible = @cusptype == "Maskit"&& @showcuspm != "Standard" && \ @showcuspm != "Predefined" endparam bool param @linea caption ="Generate as line" default = false visible = (@cusptype == "Grandma's special #2"&& @showcusp != "Standard") endparam complex param m caption = "Maskit param" default = (0.0112785606117653,1.95859103011179) visible = @cusptype == "Maskit" && @showcuspm != "Predefined" endparam param cuspm caption = "Cusp" default = 1 enum = "0/1" "1/15" "1/10" "2/19" "1/9" "7/43" "3/10" "2/5" "1/2" "21/34" visible = @cusptype == "Maskit" && @showcuspm == "Predefined" endparam complex param ta caption = "Trace a" default = (1.95,0.02) visible = @cusptype == "Grandma's Special" || @cusptype == "Grandma's Special #2" endparam complex param tb caption = "Trace b" default = 3 visible = @cusptype == "Grandma's Special" || @cusptype == "Grandma's Special #2" endparam bool param alttab caption ="Alternate trace ab" default = false visible = @cusptype == "Grandma's Special" || @cusptype == "Grandma's Special #2" endparam complex param tabAB caption = "Trace abAB" default = -2 visible = @cusptype == "Grandma's Special #2" endparam bool param trans caption = "Transpose transform" default = false visible = @cusptype != "Maskit" endparam }
Constructor Summary | |
InvertMobius(Generic pparent)
constructor for Mobius (Kleinian) sphere inversions |
Method Summary | |
void |
Initialize spheres, inversion matricies and trace values |
Sphere |
Inverse(Sphere target,
Sphere inverter,
int level,
int gen)
Inverts a sphere - Mobius inversion The return value may be a sphere or a plane. |
void |
Top level recursion function |
void |
Size and rotate spheres |
Methods inherited from class reb:InvertSphere |
findbound, heapify, heapifyz, heapsort, heapsortz, InitSpheres, recurse2, siftdown, siftdownz, swap, vanquish |
Methods inherited from class common:Generic |
GetParent |
Methods inherited from class Object |
Constructor Detail |
public InvertMobius(Generic pparent)
public InvertMobius()
Method Detail |
public void InitSpheresK()
public Sphere Inverse(Sphere target, Sphere inverter, int level, int gen)
in class InvertSphere
- = sphere to be invertedinverter
- = not used.level
- = recursion levelgen
- = index of generator matrixpublic void Recurse()
in class InvertSphere
public void SizeAndRot()